
New and familiar smells

We want to understand how the brain works by studying fundamental information processing problems, that are evolutionarily conserved and can be readily studied in the lab. We focus on a specific computation: the ability to discriminate novel from familiar sensory stimuli.

In addition to our experimental work on novelty circuits, we develop new brain interfaces to address current limitations for measuring and manipulating the brain.


Neural circuits for novelty, exploration and curiosity

We can detect a novel stimulus extremely fast – within 100ms after stimulus presentation we mount a behavioral response. To accomplish such rapid detection and motor response, the brain needs to perform a remarkably efficient computation involving a memory-based classification of incoming sensory stimuli.

To investigate the algorithm behind this classification, we have established a spontaneous olfactory novelty detection task, which allows us to investigate how sensory representations of novel and unfamiliar stimuli are transformed into motor responses. Using multielectrode recordings, we systematically characterize neural responses along the olfactory pathway to subsequent projection areas.

We use anterograde and trans-synaptic viral tracing techniques to resolve the underlying anatomical circuits with cell-type specific resolution, and with optogenetics, we probe the functional connectivity of select cell populations and their causal involvement in behavior.

Finally, we study the mechanism of non-associative learning and memory formation involved in the familiarization of novel stimuli, with particular attention to catecholaminergic neuromodulatory systems, which have previously been implicated in novelty processing. This research will ultimately lead to a complete description of the neuronal input-output relationship underlying experience-dependent behavior.


Novel brain interfaces

In addition to the experimental work on novelty circuits, we develop experimental methods, with a particular emphasis on novel brain interfaces. We address current limitations in measuring and manipulating the brain, exploiting technologies from imec, VIB and KU Leuven, where they are key differentiators.

First, we establish a technology platform for active flexible electrodes that will ultimately enable seamless tissue integration. Second, we aim at developing efficient ways to selectively record from genetically defined cell types using novel functionalized interfaces. Finally, we build highly miniaturized devices for fluidic interfacing.

Key publications